Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

your ghost

i wasn’t a flirt
all i ever wanted was your trust
your love
might as well be the antidote
for my adrenaline thirst

but your ghost isn’t scary at all
the occasional dreams
the silent screams
i drink my coffee, sweet cream
vanilla cold brew
there you were
remnants of a crush
pieces of my heart


Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

this is what missing feels like

one simple thought living rent free in my head
has a mind of its own
God knows why
my tolerance for its popping in and out
as it pleases is ridiculously high

i miss you, my fairytale unhappy ending
i speak my truth
the ache in my heart
the collapse of my world
that i miss you so much
it hurts

then there comes this brutal revelation
one i didn’t see coming
i don’t see the need to see you again for even one moment
nor do my world needs you to breathe, to eat, to sleep
or to be happy
my life is mine and you’re not the kind
i’ll invite
in the second time

i miss you, who left
i wanted you, who should’ve stayed
i don’t need you, who returns


Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

let’s talk about our kisses

i had another strange dream the night before
it felt raw
your presence overwhelmed like an unspoken law
still, i playfully traced my fingers on the nape of your neck
while doing so, the lingering touches on that same white t-shirt
plain and fresh, like the scent of your skin
took me over, undid me in ways you would never imagine
but i guess in the end, away from your mind everything slipped

somewhere between
playful banters and innocent touches
your lips found mine
(you stopped arguing with my silly reasonings after the third try)
it felt so real, like, God why?!
in the middle of endless sheets
i was drowning in your kisses
your hands on my back, mine around your neck
legs tangling, lips brushing
world crashing



Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

my favourite things

a.k.a let’s start off the new year with a happy poem i’ve written a few months back, because with this new year’s blues, we won’t get any happy lines. Oh, and happy Valentines!

my favourite things include the thought of you every morning when i wake up
those what-if’s and would be’s never fail to make me grin widely and absentmindedly
i never thought i’d read too many fairy tales, so what’s the harm in reading one more
wondering if we’ll have the same happy ending

my favourite things include your goddamn unfunny dry humour
but at the end of the day, every time you have that look in your eyes and that twisted version of a smile
(and a tweak in the corner of your lips)
i always look for more
and i don’t care about he rumours, your jokes never come as a bore

my favourite things include the smell of your cologne
even with my eyes closed, i can tell it is you every goddamn time
(it doesn’t have to be that strong)
and they could beat me to death before i let them know that i long for
that particular scent ever since before

my favourite things include you
my impossible dream
my fairytale prince
my stars, my muse, my hero
(oh did i use these tropes before?)
or simply, my favourite human in the entire history


Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · Small talks, big talks, frivolous talks, serious talks

your divinity

oh my darling
you were so gorgeously beautiful
what did those years do to you?
why is it that i’m facing with a frustratingly distorted version
of a stranger that i used to know?
was it me? give me a clue
did leaving you leave too much blue?
but boy, i don’t deserve someone as ethereal as you
my mortal traits cannot compete with your surreal divinity

if heaven is where you’re living
then pardon me, i shall be in hell


Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

can we even call it jealousy?

i realise your world doesn’t have me in it
yet it irks me every time you care for those who are lucky enough to be your friends
what is it that people call those feelings?

you ask whether they are doing all right
if those words were meant for me, what would it feel like?
i wonder

it’s fine, i’m fine
don’t mind me
i’m just dying over here
no big deal


Ps. This is really dramatic, I know. I’m fine, really! Remember, it’s over when I’m done crying.

Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

a strange dream

i had a strange dream last night 
couldn’t remember it clearly, but everything was just right
in my dream you were holding me tight and whispering soft words into my ears
it might have been an illusion where your cologne embraced my senses and the fabrics of your white t-shirt felt cold on my cheeks 
i couldn’t recall what we talked about, must have been something funny
because you were happy, and i saw twinkles in your eyes 
(i don’t mind the wrinkles when you smile)
all night

it wasn’t a fleeting moment for the sheer happiness i felt was so real
i remember happy
hits me right in the feels
how your fingers tangled with mine
maybe i should sleep more

oh my dear, don’t get me talk about our kisses
