Fiction/Poem · nyclovers' blog · the courage i didn't have

my favourite things

a.k.a let’s start off the new year with a happy poem i’ve written a few months back, because with this new year’s blues, we won’t get any happy lines. Oh, and happy Valentines!

my favourite things include the thought of you every morning when i wake up
those what-if’s and would be’s never fail to make me grin widely and absentmindedly
i never thought i’d read too many fairy tales, so what’s the harm in reading one more
wondering if we’ll have the same happy ending

my favourite things include your goddamn unfunny dry humour
but at the end of the day, every time you have that look in your eyes and that twisted version of a smile
(and a tweak in the corner of your lips)
i always look for more
and i don’t care about he rumours, your jokes never come as a bore

my favourite things include the smell of your cologne
even with my eyes closed, i can tell it is you every goddamn time
(it doesn’t have to be that strong)
and they could beat me to death before i let them know that i long for
that particular scent ever since before

my favourite things include you
my impossible dream
my fairytale prince
my stars, my muse, my hero
(oh did i use these tropes before?)
or simply, my favourite human in the entire history


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